Good To Great
‘Good to Great’ analyses the performance of 1,435 good companies, over a 40-year period. Jim Collins and his team Incredibly identify only 11 companies that became great.
This is a brilliant book with a three-part structure: ‘what’ you need to do, ‘why’ this is important and ‘how’ to turn your good company into great company.
Key ‘what to do’ learnings include:
- Develop leader skill set to Level 5,
where you shift focus from a leader ‘who ‘knows everything’ and/or is charismatic’ to leader who is a blend of ‘determination and humility’.
- Identify team members who are ‘A’ Players, as they will drive a culture of ‘greatness’. This means building a behavioural framework of:
- ‘can-do’ attitude
- building solution focussed communication skills
- ‘ownership and self-accountability’ for their decision making
- Identify with absolute clarity what the ‘one’ thing is you want to sell and to whom, rather than having too many offering to multiple target markets – analyse your optimal ‘value proposition’, by utilising the Hedgehog Concept process.
- Learn how to develop a culture of curiosity, determination and discipline.
- Learn the Hedgehog Concept process to
analyse the suitability of new technology to accelerate greatness, rather than simply following ‘next best thing’.
- Greatness takes time, and like the Flywheel, you start pushing slowly and with every push, you slowing increasing momentum until your spinning into greatness.